Online Primary School


Subjects to Study

“Discovering new knowledge is the key to personal growth. Our educational sessions, conducted online via platforms that support live interactions, connect students with devoted tutors.”

At our primary school, we offer a wide range of subjects to help our students grow and learn in various areas. Here’s a breakdown of what we cover:

English Language: Through stories, writing exercises, and activities, we explore the world of English, helping students improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills.

Verbal Reasoning: This subject encourages critical thinking and problem-solving through language-based puzzles and exercises.

Spelling: Students learn the rules of spelling and expand their vocabulary through fun and interactive activities.

Mathematics: From counting to problem-solving, our mathematics curriculum helps students develop a strong foundation in numbers, shapes, and calculations.

Quantitative Reasoning: This subject teaches students how to solve problems using numbers and logical reasoning.

Elementary Science (Basic Science): Through experiments and observations, students explore the wonders of the natural world, learning about plants, animals, and the environment.

Social Studies: Students delve into the world around them, learning about communities, cultures, and the importance of being good citizens.

Vocational Aptitude: This subject introduces students to various professions and helps them understand their interests and abilities.

Health Education: Students learn about personal hygiene, healthy habits, and the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

Bible Knowledge: This subject explores stories and teachings from the Bible, fostering values such as kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Languages: Besides English, students have the opportunity to learn other languages, fostering an appreciation for different cultures and communication skills.

Creative Arts: Through drawing, painting, and crafting, students express their creativity and learn about different forms of art.

Computer Science: Students develop basic computer skills and learn about technology and its uses in our modern world.

Agric Science: This subject introduces students to agriculture, teaching them about plants, farming, and the importance of the environment.

Home Economics: Students learn practical skills related to cooking, sewing, and managing household tasks.

Civic Education: This subject focuses on citizenship, teaching students about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of being active members of their community.

Music: Through singing, playing instruments, and learning about rhythm, students explore the world of music and its beauty.

Handwriting: Students practice and improve their handwriting skills, learning the importance of clear and neat writing.

Each subject is designed to engage students and help them develop various skills and knowledge essential for their growth and success, both academically and in their everyday lives.


Explore our affordable and transparent fee structure, tailored to fit your learning preferences and goals.


3000 per month
  • Classes Hold 3X a Week
  • 45 Minutes per Class
  • 20 extra Minutes to talk to your Tutor after Class
  • Our Instructors plan the schedule for classes


6000 per month
  • Classes Hold 3X a Week
  • 1 hour per Class
  • 30 extra Minutes to talk to your Tutor after Class
  • Students pick a Class Schedule


10000 per month
  • Classes Hold 3X a Week
  • 24/7 Support from Tutors to Students
  • Students schedule the lessons and classes

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From start to finish

This curated pathway guides you through every step, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive learning experience. From initial concepts to advanced techniques, master your chosen skill set with clarity and confidence.

We Offer


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Visit the “Courses” page, select your desired course, and follow the simple enrollment steps provided.

Our expert tutors provide real-time assistance during classes, and you can access additional support through our online platform

Yes, depending on the plan you choose, you can enjoy the flexibility of determining your class schedule.

We offer convenient and secure online payment options to ensure a seamless enrollment process.